
ISO 4427-3-2007 塑料管道系统.给水用聚乙烯(PE)管和管件.第3部分管件

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or non-polyethylene parts shall be at least as stringent as that of the pound for the piping system. Other materials used in fittings and in contact with the PE pipe shall not adversely affect the pipe performance or initiate stress cracking. 4.2.2 Metal parts All parts susceptible to corrosion shall be adequately protected. When dissimilar metallic materials are used which may be in contact with moisture, steps shall be taken to avoid galvanic corrosion. 4.2.3 Elastomers Elastomeric materials used for the manufacture of seals shall conform to EN 681-1 or EN 681-2, as applicable. 4.2.4 Other materials Greases or lubricants shall not exude on to the fusion areas and shall not affect the long-term performance of the fitting nor have any adverse effect on the quality of the water.


