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Contracto r in the sam e f i nancial position it would have been if th e Em ployer Risk Event had not occurred. 17. Relevance of tender allow a nces The tender allowances have lim ite d relevance for the evaluation of the costs of prolongation and disruption caused by breach of contract or any other cause that requires the evaluation of addi tional costs (see Guidance Section 1.9.1). 18. Period for evaluation pensation Once it is established p ensation for prolongation is due, the evaluation of the sum due is m a de by reference to the period when the effect of the Em ployer Risk Event was f e lt, no t by ref e ren ce to the extended period at the end of the contract (see Guidance Section 1.11.1). SC L Del a y a n d Di sr upt i o n P r ot ocol : Oct o b e r 20 0 2 8


