l, rather than to provide immunity (1.1.1). It follows that cathodic protection is not an alternative toРcorrosion resistant alloys ponents with very high dimensional tolerances, e.g. sealing assembliesРassociated with subsea production systems. Р5.3 Environmental Parameters Affecting CPР5.3.1 The major seawater parameters affecting CP in-situ are:Р— dissolved oxygen contentР— sea currents Р— temperatureР— marine growthР— salinity.РIn addition, variations in seawater pH and carbonate content are considered factors which affect the formationРof calcareous layers associated with CP and thus the current needed to achieve and to maintain CP of bare metalРsurfaces. In seabed sediments, the major parameters are: temperature, bacterial growth, salinity and sedimentРcoarseness.Р DET NORSKE VERITAS