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e 3. By teaching myself 4. used toР5. not interested 6. was ... disclosed 7. have been rich ... had cared 8. do you goodР9. belongs to him 10. thought highly of 11. It seemed that ... was anxious 12. instead ofР13. At times 14. of great importance 15. practices playing 16. being punished byР17. question the boys 18. play truant 19. on my way home 20. someone callР第七组Р1. I stood at my bench without daring to lift my head. Р I stood at my bench and _____ _____ _____ my head.Р2. There is something wrong with your machine. Have you asked somebodyР to repair it for you?Р There is something wrong with your machine. Have you _____ _____ Р _____ ?Р3. I want to start the machine. Please show me the way.Р Please show me _____ to _____ the machine.Р4. The huge stone is very heavy. We can not lift it.


