

上传者:梦溪 |  格式:docx  |  页数:4 |  大小:17KB

nning performances, though you did not award-winning, but you do insist that you do not support the same stage of life has not, thank youР Passage of time, earthshaking the wheel of history has been run over XXР Shizherusi, the time has been entered in the footsteps of XXР Today, we gather a total ess, then joy.Р Today, we are laughing singing and tiding over the Lunar New Year, dear colleagues, please let us once again wish you a new beginning New Year, Horse and good luck.Р We must seize the opportunity of the Annual Meetings, general manager of the tour, led by Mr. CH, unity and hard work, the provision of wind and waves off, Ahn Jung-ship industry will be heading for victory in the flagship of the other side.Р Ahn Jung-no sleep tonight, tonight, colorful, brilliant Star Tonight ... ...


