田人齐终于进入丹田。它的原理是一样!РJudge: Your kind, what is he saying? Р法官:你的善良,他在说什么?РDatong Xu: It’s the kind of…(interrupted by the judge)Р大同徐:这是那种......(法官打断)РJudge: We don’t understand what you say. Perhaps I should put it in another way. What does it say on every Missouri license plate?Р法官:我们不明白你说什么。也许我应该把它以另一种方式。它说什么了每个密苏里州车牌?РDatong Xu: Show-me stateР(用证据说话).大同许:见真章状态(用证据说话)РJudge: Precisely. Can you get an authoritative medical expert to back your testimony in plain English that an old country judge can understand?Р法官:正是。你可以得到一个权威的医学专家来支持你的见证用简单的英语,一个古老的国家的法官能理解吗?РDatong Xu: Yes, I can try.Р大同徐:是的,我可以试试。РJudge: Did you do this Gua Sha to your son yourself?Р法官:你这样做刮痧你儿子自己吗?(停顿)Р(A pause)РJudge: Mr. Xu?Р法官:徐先生?РDatong Xu: Yes, I did it myself.Р大同徐:是的,我自己做的。РMrs. Xu: No! It wasn’t him.Р徐太太:不!这是不是他。