

上传者:业精于勤 |  格式:docx  |  页数:12 |  大小:26KB

ion, all the members in the jury reached the conclu-sions that the man was_____ of murder.Р A.criminal B.charged C.gtlilty D.faultyР 答案: CР 第40题 I didn 't know the word, I had to _____a dictionary.Р A.look out B.make out C.refer to D.go overР 答案: CР 第41题 The difference between the cost and selling price is usually the_____.Р A.advantage B.benefit C.privilege D.profitР 答案: DР 第42题 It is high time that such practices..Р A.are ended B.be ended C.were ended D.must be endedР 答案: CР 第43题 They_____ building the irrigation canal very soon.Р A.are finishing B.are going to finish C.finish D.finishedР 答案: BР 第44题 In a time of fast social reforms, we should try to keep_____ with the rapid changes of society.Р A.step B.pace C.touch D.progressР 答案: BР 第45题 A_____ achieVement of electronics is the puter.


