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Wrong. Today’s topic: How young is too young or, perhaps more accurately, how old is old enough? We’ve received hundreds of emails and text messages about the right age for a child to have a mobile phone, stay home alone, wear make-up, get their ears pierced, babysit for younger kids ... and we’ve got our first caller, Vince. Go ahead, Vince. You’re on. РV: Hi. My situation is that my nine-year-old kept asking me to get her a mobile, so I bought her one a few months ago. Then, last week, I got a bill for over two hundred pounds, so I warned her I’d take the phone away from her if it happened again. РP: So I gather your point is whether she’s too young to have a mobile? РV: Yeah, yeah, that’s right.РP: Er, surely it’s the parents’ responsibility to set some sort of guidelines ahead of time.


