l contractР34Р表 3-4Р施工合同范本中监理人逾期发出指示、批文等文件约定Р36РTable 3-4РAgreement of supervisor overdue instruct in construction model contractР36Р表 3-5Р发包人合同风险评价指标体系Р40РTable 3-5РContract risk evaluation index system of clientР40Р表 3-6Р合同风险评价指标体系与《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》条款Р41РTable 3-6РContract risk evaluation index system and terms of construction model contractР41Р表 4-1Р常用风险评价方法Р49РTable 4-1РCommon methods of risk identificationР49Р表 4-2Р指标两两间相对重要性评估准则Р52РTable 4-2РAssessment criteria of relative importance between two indexesР52Р表 4-3Р判断矩阵 BР52РTable 4-3РJudgment matrix BР52Р表 4-4Р随机一致性指标表Р53РTable 4-4РTable of random consistency indexР53Р表 4-5Р准则层判断矩阵 U-UiР57РTable 4-5РEvaluation matrix of the main criterion layer U-UiР57Р表 4-6Р指标层判断矩阵 U1-U1jР57РTable 4-6РEvaluation matrix of the index layer U1-U1jР57РVIII