
2013年9月公共基础课全国统一考试 大学英语B(六写作)

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其它地区的穷人。Р有关远足的信息:上个星期,哥哥和他朋友们在48小时内走完了100公里的路。在途中,他们互相支持和帮助。为什么呢?因为只有团队的结束时间才被记录下来。后援队给他们拿来食物和干衣服。Р感想:这是一次极好的学习团队精神的机会。我们为什么不尽力去帮助那些需要中的人呢?等我满了18岁,我也要参加香港乐施会毅行者。РMaybe you never hear the term--Oxfam Trailwalker. So I want to tell you something about it. It has e one of the greatest fund raising activities since 1981. Its aim is to help the poor in Hong Kong and other places in Asia and Africa.РLast week, the friends of my elder brother’s and he walked 100 km in 48hours. During the time, they supported and helped each other. Why so? Because only the finish time of teams will be recorded. The supporters brought them food and dry clothes.РWe all think it is a good chance to learn what team spirit is. Why don’t we try our best to help those in need? When I am 18, I will join Oxfam Trailwalker.


