can be conditionedР C.РConditioned responses can be eliminatedР D.РConditioned responses cannot be eliminatedР正确Р查看答案解析Р本题总得分:2分Р8Р【单选题】(2分)РWhy does cognitive psychology consider puter to be good analogy of the human brain?Р A.РIt records information as binary codeР B.РIt stores vast quantities of informationР C.РIts operations cannot be seenР D.РIt processes input and generates outputР正确Р查看答案解析Р本题总得分:2分Р9Р【单选题】(2分)РWhat practice makes psychology a science rather than just a collection of ideas and arguments?Р A.РFormal debatesР B.РPublishing journal articlesР C.РExperimentationР D.РPublic fundingР正确Р对应章节 第三章Р成绩类型 分数制Р截止时间 2017-11-30 23:59Р题 目 数9Р总 分 数 18Р说 明:Р评 语:Р提 示:选择题选项顺序为随机排列,若要核对答案,请以选项内容为准Р18Р第1部分Р总题数:0Р1Р【单选题】(2分)РA t-test is a ratio of ___________ to ___________.