ach to be used.РB. be interpreted as passive and uncaringРC. tend to emphasize the task over the people involved.РD. be frequently utilized by a project manager.РE. All of the aboveРР正确答案:EР项目管理师真题下载8辑 第3辑Р Р10 On a precedence diagram, the arrow between two boxes is called:РA. An activity.РB. A constraint.РC. An event.РD. The critical path.РE. None of aboveРР正确答案:BР Р项目计划编制应该由谁控制?( )РA.项目经理РРРB.项目成员РC.职能部门经理РD.项目经理的上司РР正确答案:AР Р你负责管理一个项目,项目团队中的成员拥有各种技能和特长。你想要劝说各位成员共享他们关于此项目的相关知识,以便做出更好的决策,最适合该过程的管理风格是:( )РA.自由放任型РB.民主型РC.专制独裁型РD.指导型РР正确答案:BР Р27 Scheduling systems such as PERT, ADM, and PDM are project management tools to be used by: A. The project manager and project office personnel.РB. The project team and functional managers.РC. The project sponsor.РD. All of the above.