t to vote and enjoy the socialРРwelfare; no body or organization?is superior to law and hollow reform policies are on the decrease.РР依据这位学者的说法?,一个有远见的政府应当?成立 这样一套 民主体系 :公民的宗教崇奉应遇到尊敬,?每РР个人应当拥有选举和享受社会福利的权益,没有人或许组织能够?超越法律 ,并且 减少 空洞的改革政策。РРРР176. Since he inherited the fortune from his uncle, the childish gambler has kept betting instead of making aРРdeposit and paying off his loan.РР自从他从他舅舅处?继承 了财产以后,这个天真的?赌徒 不但没有 存钱 或许还 清债 务,而是连续赌博。РРРР177. By?means?of the cable car, the nuclear family stood on the dominant?peak of the mountain, gazingРРat the splendid view and the daughter exclaimed, leaping and making a victory gesture.РР经过 缆车,这个 三口之家站在了 山顶 ,看着壮丽的风景;女儿?尖叫 着跳起来,做出成功的?手势 。РР200个句子包含4500个词汇教师版Р200个句子包含4500个词汇教师版Р200个句子包含4500个词汇教师版РР10Р200个句子包含4500个词汇教师版Р200个句子包含4500个词汇教师版Р200个句子包含4500个词汇教师版