t? Р Which of the following is the best title of the passage? Р Which topic does the passage mainly discuss? РWhich of the following statements best expresses the main idea?РWhat can you infer / not infer from the passage?РWhat does the passage mainly suggest?РWhat’s the author’s attitude towards sth?РWhat does the author think of sth?Р 3) 排解题型 РWhich of the following statements is true/ not true?РWhich of the following best describes...?РРР Р РWhich of the following is mentioned/ not mentioned in the passage?РWhich of the following is discussed / not discussed in the passage?Р 4、挨次原则:一般状况下,文章的走向和选项的走向会保持全都; Р 5、取舍原则:短文切不行拘泥细节,应当抓住文章的主要脉络,利用上下文,将所听到的信息进展归纳、推理、推断,以确定其内在含义。 Р 6、三种力量:猜测力量、单词力量、定位力量 Р 7、短文猜测的5点内容