1019 - XX Р Р • columnist, student newaper Р Р skills Р Р • proficient in word, powerpoint, excel and access. Р Р • typing eed of 60 wpm. Р РРРРРРРРРРРРРР • data entry dictation Р Р employment history Р Р harrisburg ymca, harrisburg, pa Р Р assistant youth programs coordinator, 1019 - present Р Р part time position. designed and implemented schedule of athleticactivities and educational programs for children in the ymcaafterschool program. also served as assistant summer camp director. Р Р staples office store, harrisburg, pa Р Р customer service, 1017 - 1019 Р Р reonsible for assisting customers with purchases, returns, exchanges, and ecial orders Р РР本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!