
新人教版选修6高中英语Unit 5《First aid》单元综合测试

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odels for different questions.РAll courses are based on practice. Learn by doing! Students will have 10 minutes’ free trial before booking classes.РРРРРРРРРРРРРРContact: 187 ... 859РNote: When contacting me, you should use the English language.Р25. What is special about the general courses?РA. They benefit students at different levels.РB. They explain English history and culture.РC. They have online classes and offline classes.РD. They have models for different writing topics.Р26. We can learn from the text that _____.РA. students can enjoy an hour’s free classРB. all courses require students to practice a lotРC. students must study the courses at fixed timeРD. students can make contact in their own languagesР27. The author writes this text mainly to _____.РРРР本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!


