
新人教版七年级下册英语unit2练习 - 图文

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ave! 48.Where does Cindy work?РShe works at a shoe shop in London.Р49.Does Cindy usually get up early on Sunday? No,she doesn't.Р50.What do Cindy and Leila often do on Sunday afternoon? They often go shopping. Ⅶ.51.early 52.life 53.clean 54.either 55.walk 56.teeth 57.to haveР58.funny 59.lots 60.quicklyРⅧ.61~65 ABCGD Ⅸ.Р РMrs.Smith is over sixty years old,but she is busy and happy.She gets up at seven o'clock.At around 8:30,she eats breakfast at home.After that,she goes out for a walk with her dog.She goes swimming in the club at about eleven o'clock.She eats lunch in a restaurant.In the afternoon,she goes shopping in the shop.When she gets home she cleans the garden.At six o'clock,she has dinner with her old friends.She goes to bed at 10:30.Р РРРРРРРРРРРРРРРР本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!


