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it with your best friend? You're one 48 child, if you ask me!”Р “Yeah, I guess I am.” Jacob 49 with his head back and his shoulders squared. РThis began a daily 50 for us. Jacob came to understand the power of a 51 perspective, but the path to get there seemed to 52 him at times. Then I would encourage him to see things 53 ,and he would get back on the track of choosing to see the positive and losing the negative attitude. It was a 54 ,but he was making headway. I was convinced my hard work was 55.Р36.A. promise B. efforts C. skills D. concernР37.A. toy B. album C. dictionary D. bookР38.A. available B. suitable C. stable D. reliableР39.A. improve B. defeat C. evaluate D. recognizeР40.A. strategy B. habit C. vision D. intelligence


