

上传者:苏堤漫步 |  格式:doc  |  页数:16 |  大小:92KB

le of the ring during a bullfight and shouted rude remarks and waved a red cap. Ignoring the matador, the bull charged at the drunk, but he stepped aside to let it pass. The crowd cheered and the drunk bowed. Just after this, three men dragged the drunk to safety while the bull looked on sympathetically before it once more turned its attention to the matador.Р71РAfter the Houses of Parliament were burnt down in 1834, Sir Benjamin Hall was made responsible for the construction of a huge clock, which became known as Big Ben. It is very accurate despite its immense size, for officials from the Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. This clock, which has rarely gone wrong, can be heard on the B. B. C. When it is striking, because microphones are connected to the clock tower.


