到操场的最东边。He came to the east end of the playground.Р204. 听到这里,他不禁捧腹大笑起来。Hearing this, he split his sides with laughter.Р205. 一碰到麻烦她就冲着孩子大发脾气。When she was trapped in troubles, she would lash out at herchildren.Р206. 她是个急性子。She is a quick temper.Р207. 热闹过后,操场上恢复了平静。When the hustle and bustle died out, the playground regained peace.Р208. 他对紫禁城的历史有着浓厚的兴趣。He has a keen interest in the history of the Forbidden City.Р209. 那时候他是站在我们一边的。In those days he sided with us.Р210. 他打球打得很好,仅次于汤姆。He played well, second only to Tom.Р211. 他吃得太多,以致胃有点不舒服。He ate too much that his stomach felt funny.Р212. 不把这个事情搞清楚我就不吃饭。I will not eat until I get it straight.Р213. “别在我面前装傻。” Don't play the fool with me.Р214. 他下决心要一劳永逸地解决这个问题。He made his mind to solve this problem once and for all.Р215. “你做得太过火了。” You went too far.