全境,目前在尼罗河的多支流中发现金异常,在该区西部紧邻民主刚果的克罗姆托(Kilo Moto)金矿,进一步的勘查,有望发现砂金矿床。Р 4. 结论Р 乌干达具有优越的成矿地质条件,区内从太古宙到新生代经历了多期次、多阶段的构造运动和岩浆活动,构造运动为成矿提供了良好的动力支持,多期次的岩浆活动为成矿提供了足够热源和矿源。区内发育多条绿岩带,是寻找绿岩型金矿的良好前景。总体来说,该地区成矿地质条件良好,矿产资源丰富,矿种类型多,分布相对集中。但目前矿产勘查技术落后,勘查程度低,发现的矿床规模普遍较小,已发现矿床的研究程度低,开采技术落后。运用现代先进的理论、技术和方法有望在该地区取得重大找矿突破。Р Р [参考文献] Р [1] Barnes J. W., 1961. The Mineral Resources of Uganda,Bulletin No. 4. Department of Geological Survey of Uganda. Р [2] Hester, B. and Boberg, W., 1996. Uganda - Opportunities for Mining Investment, United Nations/Department ofGeological Survey and Mines. Р [3] Mboijana, S. A., 1992. Scope for Investment in Mineral Development in Uganda, Bulletin No. 5. Department of Geological Survey and Mines. Р [4] Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (2000). The Mineral Policy of Uganda.