

上传者:塑料瓶子 |  格式:doc  |  页数:5 |  大小:0KB

we can do lots of things if we are healthy. РThere are many ways that we can use to keep healthy. We can go to a gym to do exercises or attend an aerobics class. Playing basketball or just jogging is also useful for us.РAnyway, we will benefit a lot from keeping health. We must realize the importance of it. It will help us in many ways.Р梦想РWhen I was small, I wanted to e a policewoman. But, when I grew up, I changed my mind. My ambition is to e a essful fashion designer. I want to design many beautiful clothes in the future. I want to build my own brand and I want it to e popular in the world. РI’m very hard-working now to make my e true. I’m studying in my spare time to gain more knowledge.РI hope my dreams will e true and I can e a fashion designer and I want everyone to be proud of me.


