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Play football, the guitar. Play, play, play.РDo the Maskman song, Do the Maskman song, Let’s all do the Maskman song.(2)Р* Say the chantР I can chant, I can chant, I can chant the “can chant”.Yeah!Р I can play basketball, I can play the guitar, I can play football, Рand I can drive my car.РI can’t ride a bike, I can’t swim, I can’t play tennis, and I can’t sing.РBut I can chant, I can chant, I can chant the “can chant”.Р Can you chant? Can you chant? Can you chant the Р “can chant”? Yeah!Р Unit 10 At the funfairР Words:funfair, lorry, 卡车 plane, 飞机 motorbike, 摩托车helicopter, 直升飞机 bus,公共汽车 boat, 船只Р Sentences:重点句型:РA: What are you doing?你在做什么?Р B:I’m flying my plane. 我在放飞我的飞机。Р Р* Say the chantР Helicopter, boat. Long, blue train.Р Motorbike, lorry. Bus and plane.Р*P63 Activity7 Sing the song


