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back home.РWitch: Hold out your finger, show me how fat you are. You are very skinny. But I will wait no longer. I am going to eat you. Gretel, you are just in time to help me cook. РGretel: Yes, Madman.РWitch: Open the oven door and check to see if it’s hot enough.РGretel: I don’t know how to do that.РWitch: You stupid girl. Let me show you how it is done….ah….РHansel: Gretel, You’ve saved me. You are so brave and smart!РGretel: And I’ve cooked the witch. Let’s go back home.РNarrator: In the witch’s house they found a lot of gold and silver. They carried as much as they could and started go back home. РFather: It’s good to see you. Your stepmother was dead. I’m very sorry. I’ll never leave you again.РHansel and Gretel: Look, Father, we’re rich now. Let’s live together happily ever after.


