
新视野商务英语-视听说 (下册-)答案【完整版】

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nds good. But we still prefer an L/C since it’s our general practice.РA: Do you think you could apply for one?РPart ⅣР1. The correct order is: a-i-e-g-b-f-c-j-d-h Р2. (1) lump sum payment (2) payment by installment (3) cash on delivery Р(4) advance payment (5) 25%, final acceptance (6) one monthРPart ⅤР1.Р(1) Ask what provision has been made for signing salary cheques and playing utility bills. Put pressure on the person dealing with you by stressing how important your account is.Р(2) Ask how often these problems occur and how long faults generally last.Р(3) Ask for cheque and postage detailsР(4) Ask for the name and address of their debtor and the expected date of paymentР(5) Ask whether this is the only reason for late payment and offer to fax a copy immediatelyР2.РA: Hello, Becker here.


