

上传者:业精于勤 |  格式:doc  |  页数:39 |  大小:251KB

time I was determined to fly across the Channel. When I looked down there was no sign of the ship below, which was supposed to be following me, I suddenly felt alone and was worried whether I was flying in the right direction. All I could see was sea and sky. I could feel the high winds against the plane and the engine got very hot. Fortunately, it began to rain and the rain cooled my engine. Suddenly, I could see land ahead. Dover!РI flew over Dover, looking for somewhere to land. I saw a field below and brought the plane down. I was still sitting in the cockpit, hardly able to believe the flight was so essful---- just thirty-seven minutes to cross from Calais---- when a British policeman arrived. He smiled broadly at me and said,‘Good morning!’I smiled back and said,‘Bonjour!’(200 words)


