ness, or patience etc .While you aretraveling, you will stay in a spacecraft for a long time,can you bear the quietness?. They are all your problems What is more, Whatcan you do with your illness or danger?РIn conclusion, personally, despite the disadvantages, I preferspace travel to staying at home safely, because it may be my onlychance to adventure in a spacecraft in my life.It is also anopportunity to go much farther from the earth, my home, Whenthinking of that, I am always excited.Р学期总结Р1,在学习《开放英语4》之后,,我在很大程度上提高了自己的英语水平和能力。听力的提高通过教材和练习磁带以及课外辅导。说的目的性和敢于开口方面有了提高。阅读能力和词汇量大大提高了。写作有了更扎实的基础和写作经验。Р2,本教材的编写由浅入深,重难点突出,一目了然,而且有旁注,很利于学员自主学习。录音材料清晰、地道,更适于练习。网上辅导帮助很大,既节约了时间,也能获得第一手材料,更有利于远程教学。Р3,“自主学习”是一项重要的有利的学习模式,我们可以利用大量的业余时间进行学习教材、听磁带以及上网学习。“自主学习”能让学员更清楚学习的重难点,对于不懂的方面以便在辅导是作到有的放矢,小组讨论是更加有目的性。