

上传者:蓝天 |  格式:doc  |  页数:5 |  大小:59KB

ntlemen, just a few safety rules before you drive off. The most important one is to stay in your car at all times. Otherwise you might end up as fast food; and you mustn’t feed the animals; sometimes the e close if they see you eating, but they don’t need any more food, believe me! Now, never use flash when you take pictures, not even with the little bears hidden in the trees; they might be frightened. Also, you should keep your car windows closed; animals can be very curious! Last week, a monkey jumped into a car and the people were bitten. You are allowed to eat and drink in your cars, of course, but please remember that every car has been given rubbish bags. So throw any rubbish in there and not out of the window. And finally, please, don’t make too much noise. If you listen, you will……


