

上传者:火锅鸡 |  格式:doc  |  页数:2 |  大小:71KB

Then close your eyes,stretch your right hand,open your mouth,and put your fingers into your mouth,cut,cut ,cut it with strength!Р2: Stand up again.Р1: And what's wrong with you?Р2: You ask what? If I do as what you said like that,my hand will be bitten off.Р1: Didn't you say no problem?Р2: Yeah,no problem,but I won't have my fingers!Р1: Oh.That's right.Let me change somethings else,again.Р(再次坐下) Р1: How do I feel something on my face? Р Р Stretch out my right hand to hit my left face,Р Р and Stretch out my left hand to hit my right face,Р Р Stretch out my right hand to hit my left face,Stretch out my right hand ......Р(说着说着,乙站起来走了……) Р1: Come back, my words are not over.Р2: To hit anymore,My face will e the face of pigs.Р1&2: That's the end of our performance. Thank you for your attention!


