

上传者:业精于勤 |  格式:doc  |  页数:2 |  大小:33KB

nd, the Winter Scenery is rich in content in the following three aspects: 1. Color. Round stones of snow white are employed in a creative way so that a sense of accumulated snow is guaranteed. Meanwhile, some peaks glaring in the sunshine help to make the “snow” a real one. 2. Shape. The clustered stones look like charming lions, and the Winter Scenery is indeed a picture of “Snow-Weighed Lions”. 3. Sound. The most creative of the Winter Scenery is the twenty-four holes on the wall, which are called “Whistling Holes”. The visitors get strongly infected by the wind whistling in the holes. On the whole, the Winter Scenery is bination of superb artistic form and rich scientific knowledge, and people may satisfy the eyes and ears in such a small place, so there would be no wonder when the visi


