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g to ⑦ going to ⑧’llР2. PresentationРPropose: To enable Ss to know some detail grammar rules.Р单纯谈到将来的事情,没有主观因素,可用will:РEg ① It will e warm when es.Р ② The train will leave at 8 this morning.Р表示说话人的揣测,用will:РEg ① She will be all right after taking the medicine.Р ② That will be Dr Wang’s clinic. Let’s go and have a look.Р表示一种倾向,用will:РEg ① Each time es to Beijing, he will visit the Great Wall.Р ② Without air, man will die.Р表示说话时决定马上要做的动作,用will:РEg ① Here’s the door bell. I’ll open the door.Р ② Can you lie down please, and I’ll examine you ?Р表示经过事先考虑或安排后的意愿,用be going to: РEg My best friend is in hospital, but he is going e out tomorrow.Р(6) 在口语中,表示将要发生的事情时,多用 be going to: РEg ① What’s going to happen?Р ② Is there going to be a party tomorrow evening?Р(7) be going to 可用于表示将来时间的条件状语从句,will 却不能:


