
山东省济南市2018年中考英语复习 第二部分 题型一 听力测试试题

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ld not always understand when people talked to her. She was advised to join an English club to practice speaking English. The English club met after school on Mondays and Wednesdays. The last problem was that she didn't get much writing practice. She thought of a fun way to practice writing by finding a pen pal. This term she looks confident every day, because she has solved all the difficulties learning English. I used to give up when I met difficulties. After learning about Elise's story I will think of ways to solve the challenges whenever they appear. РQuestions:Р16. What's the main idea of the passage? Р17. How did Elise pronounce right? Р18. How often did Elise's club meet a week? Р19. Who helped Elise practice her writing? Р20. What should we learn from Elise when we are in trouble?


