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look 7.But 8.what 9.Give 10.oneР(三)Р1. was 2. liked 3. with 4. made 5. us 6. doctor’s 7. So 8. None 9. stay 10. sick Р(四)Р1. library 2. with 3. any 4. robots 5. me 6. tells 7. borrow 8. say 9. give 10. So Р(五)Р1. comes 2. teaches 3. well 4. books 5. lesson 6. finishes 7. later 8. with 9. his 10. newspapersР(六)Р1. months 2. decided 3. fell 4. badly 5. back 6. What 7. with 8. Everyone 9. best 10. worldР(七)Р1. something 2. put 3. on 4. doctor 5. slowly 6. happened 7. voice 8. hard 9. better 10. moreР(八)Р1. for 2. so 3. his 4. them 5. break 6. picked 7. times 8. looked 9. minutes 10. man Р(九)Р1. brings 2. around 3. higher 4. watching 5. another 6. people’s 7. buy 8. traveler 9. enjoy 10. funР(十)Р1. opens 2. sadly 3. into 4. Whenever 5. its 6. carefully 7. another 8. got 9. stronger 10. harmful


