
高一 人教版 新课标 必修二 第五单元 unit 5 重点单词词组解析及词汇语法练习

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you had borrowed to him.Р→ Is that the librarian _____ _____ you returned the books you had borrowed?Р7. The grapes grow in North America. The wine is made from the grapes.Р→ The grapes _____ _____ the wine is made grow in North America.Р▲III. 请指出并改正下列句子中的错误。Р1. This is the bookstore from whom I just bought some books.Р2. At Christmas, the teacher received many cards, one for which was from Annie.Р3. I still remember the day in which I won the medal.Р4. He is the man from whom I lent a lot of money. He promised to give it back this month.Р5. I lost a book, the name which I can’t remember right now.Р答案РI. 1-5 BCADD 6-7 ABРII. 1. with whom?2. in which?3. for which?4. the population of whichР5. of whom 6. to whom 7. from whichРIII. 1. whom改为which 2. for改为of 3. in改为onР4. from改为to 5. which前加of


