行第三项:请驻华使节团团长XXX向会理县授予《最值得驻华大使馆向世界推荐的中国石榴第一县》匾牌。请中共凉山州委常委、中共会理县委书记、会理县人大常委会主任胡坤接牌。РThe third item: on behalf of the diplomatic envoys group,Mr.Al-ghais will awards Huili with the plaque of The Most Valuable County with Best Pomegranate for Ambassadors to Introduce to the World. The mittee member of CPC Liangshan Yi Autonomous mittee, the Secretary of CPC Huili mittee, the Director of mittee of Huili People's Congress, Mr.Hu Kun will accept it.Р大会进行第四项:请中共凉山州委书记翟占一宣布石榴节开幕РThe fourth item: let’s invite…to declare the opening of the ceremony.Р……Р(鸣礼炮)Р……Р(放和平鸽)Р……Р下面,有请加拿大籍著名双语主持人大山先生,四川电视台著名主持人刘倩小姐出场,主持《榴花红》大型文艺演出。РNow,let’s enjoy the large-scale performance Red Pomegranate Flower hosted by Mr. Da Shan, the famous bilingual host form Canada, and Miss Liu Qian,the famous hostess of Sichuan TV