
初三仁爱英语第一轮总复习教案 (九上unit3)

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这个不定式动词的动作是个尚未发生的动作,所以在转换成宾语从句时,通常须加情态动词或用将来时表示未来。)Р如:I don’t know what to do.=I don’t know what I should do.Р She can’t decide which to buy.=she can’t decide which she will buy.Р反之,如果主句中的主语与宾语从句中的主语一致时,宾语从句(由疑问词引导)通常可以与“疑问词+不定式”互相转换。Р如:I don’t know what I should do.=I don’t know what to do.Р如果不一致就不能转换。I want to know what Mary will do.(不能说:I want to know what to do.)Р四、交际用语:谈论如何学习英语Р1.---…, but I hate to speak English in public.Р---You’d better not.Р2.---I know it’s very important to learn English well. But it’s difficult for me.Р---Me, too.Р3.Have you ever had any difficulties in studying English?Р4.---…, could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?Р---You’d better follow the tape and do some listening practice.РI think the best time to remember new words is in the morning.


