

上传者:苏堤漫步 |  格式:doc  |  页数:21 |  大小:170KB

ttle time for anything else. In any case, we only decided to hold the party last week when we found out that cost of moving was not as high as we thought and we had a little cash to spare. Р       We moved to here two days ago and we’ve been working non-stop ever since. This evening we decided to have a few hours’ rest, so I’m writing a few invitations to some friends. Р       You can do the trip from Bedford to Flinders in two hours now that the new motorway is open. Dew’s Parker is rather difficult to find though, because it’s a new housing estate and few people know where it is. Give us a ring when you are in the area and I’ll give detailed directions to you then. Our number is 56889590.Р       Barbara and I hope you can make it in spite of the short notice. Р       All the bestРCharles


