y Civil / Criminal proceedings pending against you in any court of law?РReferences (No relative please)Р1.Р2.РName and Address of person to be contacted in case of Emergency:Р1.Р2.РYour extra curricular activities, if any please specifyР Playing Games ( Specify)………………………………………………………………………..Р Cinema TV Reading Books Listening to MusicР Stamp Collections Social service Others……………………….. РDeclaration: I hereby affirm that the foregoing statement and answer to questions are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and without consequential omissions of any kind whatsoever and understand that any wrong statements and suppression of facts will if I am employed, subject me to immediate dismissal. РDate:РPlace: SignatureРOFFICE USEРWhere to Date of Interview RemarksРCall for Interview & by whom