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, since it is from her court and at her biddingРthat each of the heroes sets out on his particular adventure. The heroes do not possess the virtuesРthey represent at the beginning of the stories, they acquire them in the courseРof their adventures. Unfortunately, Spenser only finished six of the 12 planned books.Р Р23. How would you define the term “University Wits”?Р         What the term "University Wits" refers to is a group of .playwrights and pamphleteers inРthe Elizabethan age, of whom Nash, Greene, and Marlowe were the chief ones.Р Р24. What is the moral lesson in Marlowe's Dr, Faustus?Р              Dr. Faustus is a play based On the German legend of a magician. The hero, Dr. Faustus,Рaspires for knowledge and in order to get it, sells his soul to the devil. He experiences a lot of


