wo socks?Р卫兵乙:Nothing. Nothing. (回头)Too dangerous.Р卫兵甲:Put the socks out.Р卫兵乙L极不情愿,拿出了一双大小不一的袜子Р卫兵甲看了看,比了比。将长的装进了自己兜里,短的扔给了卫兵乙。Р卫兵乙:Too dirty. (两人互看)Oh,no. It’s fair.Р荆柯(抬起头):I will give you much more money if you set me free.Р二卫兵:Really? Where is the money?Р荆柯指了指脚上的绳子。二卫兵会意,解开了绳子。Р荆柯(站起来):My brothers, I have a good idea. If you do it, you will get lots of money.Р二卫兵:Oh, please tell it to us!Р荆柯:You can tie another person instead of me to put to death. Only the king recognizes me but he won’t watch my death. So no one will find out the secret.Р二卫兵:Good idea!!(竖指)Р荆柯去一边的树林里,拿出两袋钱,扔给二卫兵便大步而去。二卫兵正指着钱,忽路人出现。Р二卫兵(双目相视,大笑,同声):Good!!Р两人一把抓住路人Р路人:What have I done? I haven’t done anything wrong. Oh, no no!!! Have I crime?Р二卫兵(异口同声):Maybe.大笑.(Yesterday once more 起)Р剧情可自行改动,根据人数可将某些角色的台词化为一人!或一人多个角色!