
Unit 3 What courses do you offer

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e staff are confident in their service;Р(3) Whether you will get a certificate when you finish your study;Р(4) Whether you can sign up online.Р(5) Whether you can learn to study something new by yourself.Р(6) Whether the course will enable you to make any improvement;Р(7) Whether you will have a chance to make new friends;Р(8) Whether you can give up the course at anytime.Р2. Choose plete.Рget a certificate, offer a course, give up, confident in,Рenable ... to ..., have a chance to ..., sign up, learn ... about.Р Р Р(1) A: Good morning, Jing Hai Training School, how can I help you?РB: I’d like to know whether you ______ ____ about Chinese painting.Р(2) A: If you can pass the exam you will ______ ______.РB: That will be great. I will try my best.Р(3) A: I would like to ________ _______ now.


