安全质量Р状况(缺陷)的真实对应关系。Р参考文献Р[11 SY/T 5918—2004.埋地钢质管道外防腐层修复技术规范Р【2】NACE RP0502-2002.Pipeline external corrosion direct assessment methodologyР(3】王志强,杨德芹,王淑英.大庆杏北油田埋地钢质管道检测技术探讨.全面腐蚀控制,2001,Р15(5):44~48РThe Research of Quality Grade Evaluation Method forРProtecting Coating in the Buried PipelineРAbstractI The coating quality status ofburied steel pipeline is concerned by user and inspect unit. The article discusses the importance and necessity of clussificat estimation.It not only summerizes the actual state of Home and Abroad,but also put forwaeds the basic way of classifieat estimation,gives partial of the elassifieat index,at last raises some technical problems needed to ful'ther resolved in classificat estimation.РKey words:?buried steel pipeline,coating,the method of classificat estimation