
新SAT写作官方题库题源(Ansen) - S

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ent study, researchers randomly assigned teachers to a program called My Teaching Partner, which is designed to improve teaching skills, or to a control group. Students taught by the teachers who participated in the program did significantly better on achievement tests than did students taught by teachers in the control group.РAre the social sciences perfect? Of course not. Human behavior plex, and it is not possible to conduct experiments to test all aspects of what people do or why. There are entire disciplines devoted to the experimental study of human behavior, however, in tightly controlled, ethically acceptable ways. Many people benefit from the results, including those who, in their ignorance, believe that science is limited to the study of molecules.Р第2篇:黑暗的重要性Р第3篇:新闻危机Р第4篇:Bag Ban


