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efforts have made much __45___. I honor my aunt, who taught me the things my __46___ couldn’t. so every June for the past 40 years, in growing thankfulness to my Aunt Marion, I’ve sent her a Father’s Day card.Р35. A. I B. she C. he D. weР36. A. man B. family C. parent D. childР37. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. somethingР38. A. surprising B. boring C. sad D. funnyР39. A. interesting B. pleasant C. impossible D. unusualР40. A. decided B. afforded C. offered D. preparedР41. A. said B. meant C. proved D. showedР42. A. allowed B. afforded C. offered D. forcedР43. A. hoped B. agreed C. stopped D. tailedР44. A. Unless B. Although C. Since D. BeforeР45. A. difference B. progress C. trouble D. senseР46. A. Teachers B. mother C. father D. friendsР31~35ABCDB 36~40CADDC 41~45BBDAA 46~50CBCDC


