
高级英语课程教案 第二册(项目)第十四课

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sh”: In the past New York never boasted of its greatness, though other cities often did so, for bragging (吹牛) was done only by small provincial towns.Р5. It isn’t the top…the trends: New York is no longer the leading (the biggest and best) city in the United States, at least if being the leading city means a city that sets the styles and trends of the nation.Р style: the current, fashionable way of dressing, speaking, acting, etc.Р trend: a vogue (时尚、时髦、风气), or current style, as in fashions (a synonym of “style”)Р6. Nowadays…politics: Nowadays New York cannot understand nor follow the taste of the American people and is often in disagreement with American polities.Р out of phase: (physics) not in a state of exactly parallel movements, oscillations (摆动、振荡), etc.; not in synchronization (同步)


