

上传者:徐小白 |  格式:doc  |  页数:10 |  大小:86KB

under the following conditions:Р1.Time spent with velocity equal to zero within a specified fixed location;Р2.Time spent with velocity equal to zero within a fixed distance of a moving location; andР3.Time required to travel through or between fixed areas.РIt is necessary to use automated methods to identify the key records that mark the start and stop of activities due to the large volumes of data collected.Acase study was presented to show the application of the system to an earthmoving operation. Each of the TIMs reduced the number of data records in case study by more than 99%; collectively the TIMs reduced the number of records by more than 98%. It was postulated that the data can be used to provide insight into the activity and parent operation, as well for discrete event simulation.


