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k______ of information is unnecessary? Scientists say that this may have something to do with the environment(环境) you 6.l______ in.РIn an environment that is always changing, our brains may require(要求) us to remember less. A supermarket cashier(收银员) meets many people every day and will probably only 7.r______ them for a short time. But a designer(设计师) who often meets clients(客户) will remember longer.РHowever, being forgetful is not 8.a______ good. When you don’t have 9.e______ sleep, you may have a hard time remembering new information. Sleep 10.h______ the brain store and keep new information, Matthew Walker from the University of California told the Huffington Post.РⅩⅠ. Writing 5%РPlease write a short passage within 50 words about one of your favorite subjects and why you like it.Р______


