pictures in front of the whole class. Each group should choose one representative to present their ideas to the whole class. The three questions can help the students to start the discussion.Р【设计说明】组织学生分组讨论可扩大操练面,在小组内所有学生可各抒己见,学生陈述自己观点的过程即练习口语的过程。然后各小组代表再集中本组的意见在全班展示,在这一过程中,不仅陈述者得到了很好的锻炼机会,全班同学也可获取更多有关“地球日”和“禁毒”的信息。[来源:学+科+网]РStep 5 More ads for you to discuss[来源:学+科+网]РProvide the students more meaningful and interesting advertisements and encourage them to think about an appropriate slogan for each one.Р【设计说明】这一环节可作为与本课起始时导入环节的呼应,可进一步调动学生学习广告知识的热情,帮助学生为下一课时的学习做好准备。РStep 6 Homework РAsk students to look for more information about ads and make good preparations for the reading part. The students can surf if they have access to it. Р【设计说明】鼓励学生利用网络等有效学习资源了解更多有关广告的知识,在巩固本堂课所学内容的同时,为下一堂课铺设平台。