历?同时请指出申请人在哪些方面还可以进一步提高?Рment on the applicant’s intellectual and other abilities plete MBA study for due diploma and degree. Please also indicate in what aspects the applicant is capable to improve?Р Р请给出您对被推荐人的总体评价:РDo you mend the applicant for admission to MBA of РWHU?Р□极力推荐Р□推荐Р□保留的推荐Р□Strongly mendР□mendР□mend with reservationР签名Рsignature:Р日期Рdate:Р请将您的名片附于推荐信中,若不方便提供名片,以下关于您的个人资料请尽可能详细填写。我们承诺,对于您的个人信息我们将严格保密,仅作确认用(必要时我们可能会与您联络)。РPlease enclose your name-card with the reference letter, or fill in the following information in details. We will make sure to keep your information confidential, and if necessary, we will contact you for double check.Р推荐人单位名称РReferee’panyР推荐人职务РReferee’s Title:Р推荐人单位地址及邮编РReferee’pany Address:Р推荐人电话(请尽量填写工作电话)РReferee’s Working TEL:Р推荐人电邮РReferee’s E-Mail: