关系中;取消种族隔离Р42. The majority of French-speaking Canadians live in Quebec. Р43. Sir Thomas More coined the word “Utopia”, it means nowhere land in Greek. Р44. The Hemingway Code heroes are best remembered for their indestructible spirit. Р45. Phoneme: any one of the set of smallest distinctive speech sounds in a language that distinguish one word from another 音位,音素, 语言中最小的语音单位,如英语里 mat中的 m和 bat中的 b Р46. polysemy: 一词多义Р47. patron saint:保护圣徒, 守护神Р48. Parentese: 父母语Р49. back formation: 逆构词脱落一词的词缀以构成新词 typewriter → typewrite Р50. allomorph: Any of the variant forms of a morpheme. For example, the ic s of cats, z of dogs, and z of horses and the en of oxen are allomorphs of the English plural morpheme. 语素变体, 语素的一种变体形式,如语音学的中之 s在 cats中,z在 dogs中,和 iz在 horses中,还有 en在 oxen中都是英语复数语素的语素变体.